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3D Printing and Your Health

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Are you using 3D printers to produce mock-ups or in manufacturing? What kind and how many particles are produced while using a 3D printer? Particles produced during 3D printing pose a health risk. In fact, they are almost as harmful as the exhaust produced by Diesel motors. Ensuring good air quality and the health and safety of your workplace requires knowing what is in the air you are breathing.

Current rules and regulations for determining air quality use particle mass for determining what level of pollution is acceptable. In fact, the toxicity of a particle is determined by a variety of attributes other than mass. Additionally, the number of particles in a given space plays a role in your exposure. This determines how many particles end up inside you and what the consequences are for your health.

SAXOCON can assess your workspace design on-site, identify sources and measure particle concentrations.

Check out how we can help here.